Wednesday 16 August 2017

BREAKING: Billionaire kidnapper: Evans wins first case in court, trial to continue

Justice Abdulaziz Anka of a Lagos Federal High Court on Wednesday ordered that the fundamental rights enforcement suit filed by billionaire kidnapper, Chukwudumeme Onwuamadike, also known as Evans against the Nigeria Police Force will proceed.

Anka gave the ruling while dismissing the objections of counsel to the Nigeria Police Force, Emmanuel Eze, during proceedings in Evans’ N300m suit.

The judge agreed with Counsel to Evans, Olukoya Ogungbeje that service on the first and second respondents in the case had been properly effected.

The first and second respondents in the suit are the Inspector General of Police, the Nigeria Police Force. The other respondents are the Lagos State Police Commissioner and the Special Anti Robbery Squad, SARS.

Justice Anka also ruled that leave was not required for the matter to be heard during vacation as Order 4 Rule 5 of the Fundamental Rights Enforcement Procedure Rules of 2009, enjoins the court to pursue speed and justice on issues of fundamental human rights.

Evans, through his lawyer had filed a N300m lawsuit against the police, challenging his continued detention since June 10 without arraignment.

The billionaire kidnapper is asking the court to award him N300m as exemplary damages for his alleged illegal detention and the alleged harm caused by his media trial.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Billionaire Kidnapper: Court to decide Evans’ fate on Wednesday

Justice Abdulaziz Anka of a Lagos Federal High Court has fixed Wednesday to rule on whether or not it will proceed to hear the N300m fundamental rights enforcement suit filed by alleged billionaire kidnapper, Chukwudumeme Onwuamadike, also known as Evans.

Evans, through his lawyer, Olukoya Ogungbeje had filed the suit challenging his alleged unlawful detention by the police.

Justice Abdulaziz Anka of a Lagos Federal High Court has fixed Wednesday to rule on whether or not it will proceed to hear the N300m fundamental rights enforcement suit filed by alleged billionaire kidnapper, Chukwudumeme Onwuamadike, also known as Evans.

Evans, through his lawyer, Olukoya Ogungbeje had filed the suit challenging his alleged unlawful detention by the police.

In the suit, Ogungbeje had contended that his client’s detention since June 10, 2017, without being charged to court is a violation of his fundamental rights under sections 35 (1) (c) (3) (4) (5) (a) (b) and 36 of the Constitution.

During today’s court hearing, Ogungbeje informed the court that all the respondents had been served and that the suit was ripe for hearing.

Countering with his submission, counsel for the Lagos Commissioner of Police, Emmanuel Eze, said the Nigeria Police Force had not been duly served and as such the case could not be heard.

Eze said despite the hint of the court, Ogungbeje had yet to go to Abuja to serve the court processes on the IG and the NPF in their personal capacities.

“Our submission is that they have not taken steps to clothe this court with jurisdiction to hear this case either during or after the court’s vacation,” Eze said.

After listening to the arguments of both lawyers, Justice Anka adjourned till Wednesday for a ruling.

Tuesday 23 May 2017

"Rivers At 50: Before The D-Day"

The creation of Rivers State on May 27, 1967, amongst 11 others from the old regional arrangement, was the climax of the series of anti-minority movements or agitations by the burgeoning leaders in a region now known as South-South geopolitical zone.

In the broadcast that gave birth to the states on that date, the then Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon (rtd), reasoned that “creation of States is the only possible basis; for stability and equality” in the country.

Indeed, the creation of states gave the minorities immeasurable sense of belonging and paved the way for self-actualisation. It also weakened the attitude of dominance of the majority tribes.

Popular and prominent platforms used in advancing the cause in that period of our history were the Rivers Chiefs and Peoples Conference (RCPC), the Rivers Leaders of Thought (RLT) and the Niger Delta Congress; a political party founded and led by Chief Harold Dappa­Biriye.

In the forefronts of the quest for states in this part of the zone were irresistible men like Chiefs Harold Dappa-Biriye, Nwobudike Nwanodi, Emmanuel Oriji, Wenike Briggs, Ashirim Unosi, M. D. Selema, Richard Woyike and several others, yet to be celebrated.

They came from different ethnic backgrounds, political affiliations and ideological leanings, but were united by a common faith and cause. They were focused, committed and undoubtedly altruistic in their pursuits.

They were driven by a rare passion and saturated with a desire to liberate their people from years of unjustifiable neglect, social and economic deprivation, as well as political emasculation, experienced even before independence in 1960. They saw in the creation of Rivers State “the salvation of the Niger Delta Peoples and their environment, where there will be parity of opportunities for all citizens irrespective of the size”.

The emergent pioneer administrators, under the leadership of a vision-driven governor, Commodore Alfred Papapiriye Diete-Spiff (rtd), now Amanyanabo of Twon Brass in Bayelsa State, were thinkers and brilliant in their different callings. They were clear in their vision, and as pioneer state builders, laid the solid foundation for the rapid growth and development of the young state.

Following the sudden termination of the glorious era of the pioneer state builders in 1976, the state came under a succession of military dictators led by non-indigenes that did not only fail to sustain the pace of development but also truncated the dream of the founding fathers.

Notwithstanding, the achievements of the era of the founding fathers were the envy of other states. In the course of time, Rivers State became one of the most notable and populous states in the federation, even after the creation of Bayelsa State in 1996.
At the wake of democracy in 1999, a new chapter in the socio­economic and political history of the State began. It was a new dawn for the State and its people. Hope was rekindled and aspirations ran high.

Expectations were equally high among the citizenry who desired a breath of fresh air after long period of military administrations.

The political leadership from 1999 to date tried to reverse the decades of anomalies perpetrated by the military junta in collaboration with some unpatriotic citizens.

Unfortunately, some, if not most of the elected men and women, lacked the profound emotion, “cast of mind” and commitment that characterized the first generation leaders.
Nevertheless, Rivers State today stands out as one to be reckoned with in terms of infrastructural development, social, economic and political relevance amongst states in the federation.

May 27, 2017, the state that once held and still holds the hope for many will be 50 years old. By Providence, the Golden Jubilee anniversary will rest on the shoulders of the present administration under the leadership of Governor Nyesom Wike.

Interestingly, it is happening at a time when, many believe, the state is undergoing reckonable socio-economic changes; a kind of renaissance that has rekindled hope, restored confidence in governance and bolstered pride of the people.

The celebration, no doubt, will transcend fanfare and merry making. Obviously, it will take stock of the diverse milestones in the life of the state and its people, as well as launch a sustainable development graph that would prepare future generations for the challenges of statehood. In addition, it will showcase visible achievements of the present administration, including investment opportunities that abound in the state.

Already, some on-going projects have been earmarked to commemorate the event. Two of such landmark projects include the Ecumenical Centre and the Port Harcourt Pleasure Park; a project apparently intended to promote a culture of recreation, without ruling out the fact that it will be a very good source of revenue for the state.

While the Rivers State Government is working round the clock to have a befitting and memorable Golden Jubilee celebration of the creation of Rivers State, it should be supported as one celebration that would touch the hearts of our political and other leaders and bridge the yawning gap or divisiveness created by unhealthy politics.

Above all, the Golden Jubilee celebration, is expected to heal wounds, promote peace, love and unity, and inspire a deep appreciation of the sacrifices of our founding fathers in the attainment of our cherished common heritage.

Tonye Ezekiel-Jenewari

Saturday 20 May 2017

Nigerian Army announces date for regular recruit intake screening

The Nigerian Army has announced that it would conduct the zonal screening for its 76th regular recruitment intake for trades/non trades men and women from May 27 to June 9.
The announcement was contained in a statement issued on Friday by its Chief of Administration, I. M. Alkali, a Major-General.

An earlier statement in January by Army spokesman, Sani Usman, a Brigadier-General, had disclosed that the screening initially scheduled to hold from January 22 to 3 February 2017 had been postponed due to the activities of fraudsters demanding money from applicants.

“The Nigerian Army wishes to announce to the general public that 76 Regular Recruits Intake Zonal Screening Exercise earlier postponed will now hold from 27 May- 9 June 2017,”Mr. Alkali said in the new statement.

He said successful candidates from the pre-screening examination are to attend the zonal screening at the designated zonal centres for their respective states.

“Candidates are advised to come along with a pair of white vest, a pair of blue short, white canvas, white socks, original/photocopy of credentials, four passport photographs, two full size post card photographs and writing materials”.

“Note that candidates selected after the zonal screening exercise will commence training immediately at Depot Nigerian Army, Zaria,”
he added.

Thursday 18 May 2017

Chelsea bid €64m for Marco Verratti

Chelsea offered £55m (€64m) to bring Marco Verratti from Paris Saint-Germain, but the Italy star is also wanted by Juventus, Inter and Milan.

According to The Sun, Antonio Conte is “desperate” to have the midfielder at Stamford Bridge next season, especially after winning the Premier League title and entering the Champions League.

It’s believed PSG won’t even listen to any proposal below €80m for the 24-year-old, who is under contract until June 2021.

Verratti has repeatedly stated he is happy in Paris and does not want a transfer, but his agent Donato Di Campli regularly complains to the media that the club must win more than just Ligue 1 – something they didn’t even manage this season.

Juventus are among the main candidates should Verratti leave PSG, as he is a self-confessed Bianconeri supporter.

Inter, Milan, Bayern Munich, Barcelona and Real Madrid are also options.
